Tuesday, February 08, 2005

*UPDATED 6.08.08

I no longer post here or on immagini, my original foto blog. I now post fotos on boxfoto. My "about" page on boxfoto details all of my current equipment. See you there!


My equipment list now includes: Kodak CX 7530 (nope - it's now my loaner camera to family members), Canon S410 (still have this one - always will), Canon G3 (SOLD!), Canon A620 (Great camera!), Canon Rebel XT (350D) (ditto!), and coming soon - Panasonic DMC-FZ20K(Own it now, regret buying it).

What's really new....

Pentax DS ( I really dig this!) and a few 35mm film SLR's.

It's kind of sad, really... with the advent of low-cost DSLR's - the excitement everyone had over high-end prosumer cameras, like the Canon G6 and G5, seems to have waned - and since DSLR's are so cheap, I don't think people are very excited about them, either. Since they are so accessible, they no longer hold any kind of intrigue as they did when they were $2000. I guess people will have to find new toys to get excited about. As for me, I am more excited about shooting and camera equipment than ever.

See you at pinholemedia.com

* UPDATED 12.13.05

My new site is here!

My equipment list now includes: Kodak CX 7530, Canon S410, Canon G3, Canon A620, Canon Rebel XT (350D), and coming soon - Panasonic DMC-FZ20K.

See you there....

* UPDATED 4.18.05 *

This page is my temporary "about me" page for my photo-blog. Check back every so often as I will update it under this same posting. Eventually I will move this site - that is, once my pics and creativity are on a level that warrants a more professional site.

So... about me:

I am a 35 year old guy living in the 5th largest, and 1st most boring city in the USA - Phoenix, Arizona. My immediate photo-blog purpose is to (1) share my creative efforts with anyone who views my site and, (2) get feedback via email on my work so that I can improve.

My occupation: Student & Aircraft Inspector.

Equipment I use: My primary camera is a Canon EOS Digital Rebel (aka canon EOS 300D). My secondary camera is a Nikon E5400. I have a pocket camera as well that I don't use on immagini, but it's still a great camera - a Canon S410.

Site rules: I have none. Just visit and enjoy. You'll notice I don't respond to comments posted on the site. However I will respond to every comment possible if you leave your email address in your comment. You can also write to me directly at: abesavona@yahoo.com

UPDATE 2.18.05 -- Since I first wrote this "about me" page, I have changed a couple of things. I now occasionally use the Canon Elf to post here. The Koi fish, which received a lot of positive feedback, was from my little point and shoot Canon S410 Digital Elf. Amazing what an incredible Canon processor can do. Secondly - I am getting rid of the Nikon. It's on Ebay now. I find it completely useless in not just low, but also medium light levels. That makes any camera a waste to me. When I noticed my Canon Elf producing better pics and auto-focusing much more easily, I decided I didn't need the Nikon. I might pick up a Canon G5 as a carry around - not sure.

I hope to launch my typepad site in 60 days or less, but I have no definite dates yet. I am currently evaluating 2 different photo-editing software options and about to take some photography classes. There are a few things I need to "get down" before I can run with a more serious site.

UPDATE 3.10.05 -- Today I received my Canon G5. This camera is something I've dreamed of having. There are better cameras on the market, though this one is quite remarkable, but much of the work on the internet that first got me interested in serious photography was done with the Canon G5. This is what it looks like. I will begin posting with it soon and I will use it a lot in NYC in April. As for changing blogs/blog addresses, that is going to be a little further out than I first thought. I have too much going on with school and work at the moment to invest the time. I still have to learn to take pictures, too (as well as learn newly aquired photoshop). When all of that falls into place, I will go to typepad or a similar web-hosting service. A friend has given me a free, 20GB space on his server to host all of my pictures - so that will be a big cost savings!

UPDATE 4.07.05 -- New Equipment ..... I sold the G5, owning it for just over 3 weeks before deciding it didn't meet my purposes. My new primary camera is the new, Canon EOS Rebel XT. Read the first line of this review. It was released in March and it has an 8MP Sensor with a Digic II processor. It replaced my 6.3MP Canon EOS Rebel.

As for the new website, it is coming. I am in the learning phase of how to do it the right way and I am glad to have met a photoblogger and new friend who can help me along. Check out his site here.

UPDATE 4.18.05 -- I've replaced my Canon A510 witht the Canon A520. I might occasionally post with this camera as well. I've now had my Rebel XT for a couple of weeks or so and it is incredible! I've still yet to figure it out; there is so much to learn! I will be taking some photography classes soon and hopefully my skills will improve over time. Thanks for visiting my site!